The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity was organized in the early part of 1919, when Father Popil arrived in Trenton, NJ. When he returned to Ukraine later that year, the Church Council invited Father Volodymyr Kaskiv to be Pastor. The church was formally incorporated in the State of New Jersey on November 20, 1919. Land was purchased for a cemetery, and a building on Woodland Street was acquired, and converted into a church. The parish built an addition to serve as a church hall, and Ukrainian language school. Protopresbyter Father Kaskiv was an able and energetic priest, serving Holy Trinity from 1919 until 1925. He was also involved in organizing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in America. For several years, Father Kaskiv also devoted much of his time to the publishing of DNIPRO, a church weekly. Mr. Michael Palazey was the main organizer of the church choir, and became its first Director.
From 1925 to 1939, Holy Trinity had eleven priests, each serving for a relatively short period. During this period, under Father Petro Belon, altar boys became part of the Divine Liturgy. On August 15, 1939, Father Micheal Zaparyniuk, Sr. was assigned to our parish. A church hall, residence, and garage were built on Adeline Street.
Our present-day church was erected and was dedicated by His Beatitude Metropolitan John Theodorovich and His Eminence Archbishop Mystyslav on November 23, 1952. The new church gave the parish new life. Father Zaparyniuk started the Church School program, which continues to this day. Father Michael, Sr. fell asleep in our Lord on November 2, 1958. His son, Father Michael Zaparyniuk Jr., assumed pastoral duties in February 1959, and served the needs of our growing parish, particularly our youth, until March 1968. In 1962, a parking lot was purchased across the street from the church. The church hall basement was converted into usable space. Father Michael served until April 1968. In April 1968, Protopresbyter Father Bohdan Zelechiwsky became our new pastor. An Iconostas was built in 1976, and the cemetery property was expanded.
In 1988, Father Bohdan commissioned a large mural for our church to celebrate the Millennium of Christianity in Ukraine. Father Bohdan served our parish for more than 31 years. Father Hieromonk Sviatoslav (Kowaliw) served as parish priest from November 2000 to July 2002, Father Hieromonk Philip (Jagnisz) served from November 2002 through April 2004, Father Petro Levko, served us for over six months after Father Philip's departure, and Father Ivan Lymar served our parish from September 2004 to August 2012. Father Zharsky has been our Pastor since August 2012. Our parish appreciates and thanks all of these participating clergy.
Mrs. Sophia Beryk Schultz served as Choir Director during the tenures of Father Bohdan and Father Hieromonk Sviatoslav followed by Rebecca Scabarozi Calvani and Pani Lilya Dobrodijka.Today our choir is led by Taras Pavlovsky.
Over the past decade several noteworthy events occurred in our Church. First of all, a large number of recent Ukrainian and Eastern European immigrants have joined our parish and are taking an active role in our parish life. We welcome them and wish them success. Next, major repairs and alterations to the Bell Towers and church roof were made, The exterior and interior of the church were renovated. The interior was painted and decorated and a beautiful design now adorns the church ceiling and our Sunday school classrooms were given new floors, paint, and murals through the tireless efforts and labor of our parshioners.
In our 100th anniversary year of 2019 generous donations from our parishioners and friends enabled us to complete renovations of the church exterior and the church hall interior under the direction of Anniversary Chairperson Cynthia Michalak. We are extremely thankful for all those who supported our efforts.
As we begin our second century we remember the love and hard work of all of those who came before us and have fallen asleep in the Lord. We ask Almighty God to grant us all the strength and wisdom to continue working for the future of our Church.

UOC of USA/Our 99th Anniversary
1956: Unholy Terror- Trentonian
Bidding Bingo Goodbye - The Times of Trenton
Pray for Peace - The Trentonian
Icon of St. Anna - The Times of Trenton
Trenton History - The Trenton Historical Society
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
The Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of NJ