Church Executives/Building Committee- Back row: Dick Charyk, John Senko, Joseph Mikuliak, John Stasyszyn, Micheal Calkowsky, Joseph Paslawsky. Front row: John Yedlinsky, Harry Birban, Father Micheal Zaparynuik, Sr., Paul Leschuch, Alex Palazey. Not present: Nick Sawchak, John Sabat.
The Times of Trenton, 1998.
First Sunday School Teachers - Standing: Sophie Miner, Helen Mikuliak, Olga Wolski, Sophie Leszczuk. Seated: Helen Richleski, Pani Mary Zaparyniuk.
1950 - Blessing of the steeple crosses for the new church.
First Holy Penance - Front row: Barbara Scabarozi, Cheryl Kuch, Michelle Choma, Diane Nurko, Nancy Skreener.